Media Center Policies

Media Center Policies and Procedures

Hours of Operation: 8:00-3:30 (for teachers, staff, and parents)

Student Morning Checkout: 8:00-8:40


Whole Class Checkout, Lessons, & Research:

Sign up in Scheduling Binder. Look behind your grade level tab for lesson ideas.

  1. The primary borrowers of the print and non-print collection are the students, teachers and staff of John Young Elementary School. Exceptions will be made with the recommendation of the Media Specialist, CRT, or administration.

  2. Students may check out any book for a period of two (2) weeks. Kindergarteners may check out one (1) book at a time. First-fifth graders may check out up to two (2) books at a time. SSYRA card holders may check out three. If a student has any books overdue, they may only check out paperback books from a special shelf until the item/s is/are returned.

  3. Students in grades two through five may check out one (1) magazine at a time overnight, but it must be returned in the bar-coded envelope that it was placed into at check out time. This magazine will count as one (1) one of their two (2) books.

  4. To eliminate problems with the circulation system at checkout time all books need to be returned to the Media Center prior to 9:30 each morning.

  5. Books may be renewed for one (1) additional two (2) week period. Except SSYRA books.

  6. To promote a wide variety of reading teachers may borrow books for a period of two (2) weeks. If there is a need for extended use, teachers will check with the Media Specialist for an exception to this rule. Teachers may check out any number of books up to the number of students enrolled in their class.

  7. Reference materials may be used in the media center. A teacher may check out reference books to be used in the classroom for a period during the day, but must be returned before 3:00 p.m.

  8. Circulation will stop two weeks prior to the closing of school; exceptions must be made in advance.

  9. There are no fines for overdue books. Students and Teachers will pay for the replacement cost of books that have been damaged or lost.

  10. Teachers will collaboratively plan and schedule lessons with the Media Specialist in advance. Visits for (whole class) book checkout can be scheduled by the teacher on the calendar at the circulation desk. Teachers will accompany their classes during each visit.